I video di ColorEsperanza utilizzati in una università polacca

La docente Rozalia Ligus, dell’Università Szkola Wyzsza di Wroclaw, ha utilizzato i cortometraggi prodotti da ColorEsperanza nel 2008 e quest’anno, Dominoes e Aguas, per una lezione presso l’università stessa. Ecco la sua mail:

I want to say thank you very, very much. the lecture was extremely touching – people had wet eyes. The films were seen by one hundred people but it is not the end. I have shared the film with my friend, who is a musician and works with disabled children. So the music is the next thing worth talking about.
I will show the films at my other classes even they have different topics but as pedagogists they should understand the other man.

Thank you again from all of us.

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